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Gugu Ncube as she staged a nude protest at Union Buildings

Gugu Ncube as she staged a nude protest at Union Buildings


The University of South Africa (Unisa) said it was greatly concerned about Gugulethu Ncube’s protest at the Union Buildings on Wednesday, claiming she was not dragging the university’s name into her sexual harassment allegations for the first time.
The university said the matter was between her and Unisa Centre for Early Childhood Education (UCECE), an external company that was previously sponsored by Unisa.
Unisa principal and vice-chancellor Professor Mandla Makhanya said in a statement:”Unisa’s main concern is that it is not for the first time that Ms Ncube continues to misconstrue this matter and attempt to drag its name into the dispute between herself and UCECE regarding her termination of employment; despite repeated attempts by the university to clarify that UCECE is an independent entity established in terms of the Trust Property Control Act; and thus operates autonomously, including entering into and terminating employment relationships. Accordingly, Ms Ncube was never an employee of Unisa.
“It is regrettable that Ms Ncube is persisting with her action of dragging the name of Unisa into her dispute with UCECE and in the process bringing our name into disrepute. While we respect her right to fight for what she believes is unfair treatment towards her, we appeal to her to desist from her actions; and that the name of the university should not be dragged into this matter as it is solely between herself and UCECE.”
The university further said it followed due processes regarding Ncube’s sexual harassment complaint in 2018 and suspended its staff members who were accused of the crime. The accused were board members at UCECE at the time.
Counselling was also offered to Ncube, it claimed.
However, the university said it could not charge the accused because there was “no basis” to charge them concerned with the alleged offences.
Ncube, the daughter of prominent Zimbabwean politician Welshman Ncube, was arrested outside the Union Buildings in Pretoria on Wednesday after she had staged a nude protest.
She had said she was protesting naked because “nudity is a sign of my dignity that I have been stripped of”.
She had accused Makhanya of “throwing her out like a rotten pig” when she complained to him about the sexual harassment she suffered allegedly at the hands of a staff member.
“I tried engaging the Unisa vice-chancellor Professor Makhanya. He threw me out like a rotten pig. I have tried sending the president emails, everybody around the president. They keep on not taking my message to the president. Dear United Nations, please intervene. I’m a victim of sexual harassment at Unisa. They claim I have resigned, I never resigned. They chased me away from work,” she said

Woman suffers stroke while nearing orgasm when her partner was performing oral sex

Woman suffers stroke while nearing orgasm when her partner was performing oral sex

Woman suffers stroke while nearing orgasm when her partner was performing oral sex
A woman suffered a stroke due to her imminent orgasm while receiving oral sex from her partner.
The woman, a 44-year-old from west London, was receiving cunnilingus but just as she was about to orgasm, she passed out in the bedroom. 
She was rushed to a hospital where doctors found a blood vessel had burst inside her skull.
Medics at West Middlesex University Hospital in Isleworth, west London, said the patient was unconscious for three minutes after first suffering a headache during oral sex.
Her partner, whose gender was not revealed, said they noticed during sex that "her body was stiff".
Doctors this week wrote in a British Medical Journal case report: "On closer history taking, the patient reported nearing orgasm while receiving oral sex from her partner before losing consciousness.
"Her partner estimated she was unconscious for two to three minutes, with no convulsive activity reported. She had otherwise been well preceding the event."
Doctors initially thought she had suffered a seizure. They sent the woman for a CT scan and it revealed a "trace of acute subarachnoid blood" — a type of stroke that causes bleeding in the space around the brain. The patient’s bleed was caused by a small aneurysm, a bulge on a blood vessel like a balloon or bubble that bursts.

Woman suffers stroke while nearing orgasm when her partner was performing oral sex

In the report, the doctors acknowledged that sexual activity has been "well-described" as a cause of blood vessels bursting because it increases blood pressure. But they said past studies have only seen this effect during full-blown sex, rather than during oral sex.
They wrote: "Older studies with [artery] monitoring during coitus demonstrate that during sexual activity blood pressure, as well as heart rate, is very [liable to change], with particular rises during orgasm."
The woman was revealed to be a regular smoker, occasional drinker, asthmatic and had suffered malaria in her brain in her 20s, but these were not directly linked to her stroke in the report. 
The woman spent two weeks in hospital in October 2018 before being discharged. Four months after her ordeal, the woman was reported to be well and still having check ups at the hospital.
Ethiopian Airlines Crash:No Nigerian carrier operates B737 Max 8 – FG

Ethiopian Airlines Crash:No Nigerian carrier operates B737 Max 8 – FG

Ethiopian Airlines Crash:No Nigerian carrier operates B737 Max 8 – FG
The Minister of State for Aviation, Hadi Sirika, said on Tuesday that Nigeria does not have any Boeing 737 MAX being operated by any Nigerian airline on its register.
Sirika disclosed this in a statement by Mr. James Odaudu, Deputy Director, Press and Public Affairs, Federal Ministry of Transportation, on Tuesday in Abuja.
The Minister of State for Aviation, Hadi Sirika, said on Tuesday that Nigeria does not have any Boeing 737 MAX being operated by any Nigerian airline on its register.
Sirika disclosed this in a statement by Mr. James Odaudu, Deputy Director, Press and Public Affairs, Federal Ministry of Transportation, on Tuesday in Abuja.
He said that contrary to the concern generated by Ethiopian Airlines’ unfortunate incident on Sunday, there was no cause for alarm.
According to the Minister, aviation is one the world over, and that any accident anywhere is a tragedy to the global aviation industry.
“Nigeria identifies and commiserates with the Ethiopian aviation authorities, those who have lost loved ones, including two distinguished Nigerians, in their moment of grief.
“The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority, the industry regulator in Nigeria, has issued the necessary advisory as it relates to the country.
“As we continue to mourn the ET crash in Addis and pray for the victims, we wish to reassure Nigerians that we do not have any Boeing 737 Max on Nigeria’s register to worry about.
“Civil Aviation Authority has issued the needed advisory, please,” the minister said.
Sirika also assured Nigerians of the government’s commitment to creating an environment that guarantees safety and security in air transportation.
The ET’s Addis Ababa–Nairobi bound flight operated with B737 Max8 airplane on Sunday, crashed shortly after take-off, killing all 159 passengers and crew on board.
The similar aircraft type being operated by Lions Air of Indonesia, has crashed in October 2018, killing all on board
Rihanna ditches her weaves for cornrows

Rihanna ditches her weaves for cornrows

Rihanna ditches her weaves for cornrows
Rihanna is a style icon who loves to switch things up without following trends 
The 31 year old star has now ditched her weaves for cornrows and she looks amazing .
Obviously liking what she saw,she smiled for the camera as she showed it off.

Kim Kardashian reveals why the death penalty should be abolished

Kim Kardashian reveals why the death penalty should be abolished

Kim Kardashian reveals why the death penalty should be abolished
Kim Kardashian is serious about justice reform in America and is not only seeking for clemency for those who have been unfairly imprisoned ,but wants the government to put a stop to the death penalty .
The reality star wrote on her Instagram stories that she supports the governor of California and his descision to bring an end to the death penalty .
According to her ,racial bias and unfairness runs deep in the statement when it comes to the death penalty and there is a risk that innocent people could be executed .

This comes after she agreed to pay five years of rent for Matthew Charles, a former inmate who was denied housing after being granted clemency.
Charles posted the happy news to Facebook and revealed that Kardashian
“heard about my situation” and was “moved” by it. She then decided to help him out in an “unbelievable” way.
“Kim did not do this for attention or publicity, but I had to share it, because it’s to good not to, and my heart is about to burst with happiness, that I wish you to rejoice in this news with me,” Charles wrote on the social media platform.
African lady left disappointed after taking a 6 hour trip for sex

African lady left disappointed after taking a 6 hour trip for sex

Nigerian lady left disappointed after taking a 6 hour trip for sex
A Nigerian lady took to Twitter to express her disappointment after travelling for 6 hours to have sex with a guy.
According to her , the guy overhyped his manhood and ended up lasting for 7 minutes in bed .
The Twitter users who goes by the name ‘Your Wife’ wrote
“Met a guy who overhyped his dick, made a 6hours trip to go get some.. he lasted 7mins exactly. “
Judging from the responses by guys, the mystery guy performed well.


Jeff Bezos` d***k pics and love messages to mistress leaked

Jeff Bezos` d***k pics and love messages to mistress leaked

Jeff Bezos’ d***k pics and love messages to mistress leaked
Jeff and mistress ,Lauren pictured at the Golden Globes after-party in 2017

The world’s richest man, Jeff Bezos was sending his mistress sensual text messages and gushing love notes in spring last year ,months before Bezos and his wife announced on Twitter that they were separating.
The National ENQUIRER reveals the Amazon founder — worth an eye-watering $144 billion was having an affair with his mistress, Lauren Sanchez ,49 the wife of powerful Hollywood talent agent Patrick Whitesell , in April 2018.
In one message obtained by The Enquirer,Bezos wrote: “
I love you, alive girl. I will show you with my body, and my lips and my eyes, very soon.”

In another pillow talk exchange, on May 13, the billionaire wrote:
“I want to smell you, I want to breathe you in. I want to hold you tight.… I want to kiss your lips…. I love you. I am in love with you.”
The revelation of the existence of the time-stamped text makes clear that the relationship between Bezos and Sanchez began long before the Bezos’s public announcement of their separation.
A lawyer representing Bezos claimed to The ENQUIRER that it was “widely known” Jeff and MacKenzie Bezos had been “long separated.”
Yet they only first announced their separation this Wednesday morning, Jan. 9 — close to 48 hours after The ENQUIRER informed Bezos of its intention to print the conclusion of a four-month undercover investigation.
Jaywon dragged for supporting R Kelly on 50 Cent`s Instagram page

Jaywon dragged for supporting R Kelly on 50 Cent`s Instagram page

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You are a pedophile by association – Jaywon dragged for supporting R Kelly on 50 Cent’s Instagram page

Nigerian musician ,Jaywon came under fire on 50Cent’s Instagram page,for wishing embattled singer ,R Kelly happy birthday and calling him a long .
50Cent posted a video of RKelly performing on his birthday admist the backlash which followed the documentary ‘Surviving R Kelly’
Cara Delevingne brands R.Kelly a `predator` and a `monster`

Cara Delevingne brands R.Kelly a `predator` and a `monster`

Cara Delevingne brands R.Kelly a
Cara Delevingne is the latest celebrity to blast R.Kelly, following allegations that he separated women from their families and sexually abuse them.
After watching the recent Lifetime docuseries Surviving R. Kelly, the 26-year-old supermodel and actress called the singer a 'monster' and a 'predator.'
Taking to her Instagram page, Cara wrote:
I finished the Surviving R Kelly documentary last night and I am so shocked and outraged at how long this has gone on. 
My heart goes out to all the victims of his emotional and physical abuse and their families. This man is a predator that feeds of power and in my opinion is far worse than Harvey Weinstein and needs to be held accountable. I am not trying to compare the two, my point is, Harvey is being investigated and R Kelly is not. We have ourselves to blame in this situation, I knew of the allegations but failed to try and understand the severity of the situation.
 I still continued to listen to his music. Stop separating art from the artist, just because he sings like an angel, doesn’t mean he is one. 
I still want to applaud @johnlegend @keke @vincestaples @chancetherapper @jadapinkettsmith @ladygaga for continuing the conversation. I really hope that more musicians stand up against this monster. 
Surgeon falls asleep on operating table

Surgeon falls asleep on operating table

Picha ya Nabawalanyi Carol
Surgeon falls asleep on operating table after performing six surgeries without taking a break
Photo of a surgeon who fell asleep with his head on the operating table after he performed surgery for 20 hours non-stop has gone viral and the doctor is being hailed a hero.
Chinese orthopedic surgeon Luo Shanpeng performed emergency surgeries on 6 patients in a row without taking a break. After the 6th surgery which took 8 hours, the doctor laid his head on the operating table while still holding the arm of the patient he had just reattached and he blacked out.
A nurse took the photo and shared on WeChat, a Chinese messaging platform, and it blew up immediately.
The nurse wrote:
Seeing this makes my heart ache.

Luo works for the No. 6 People’s Hospital of Guiyang in south-eastern China’s Guizhou Province. He told Guiyang Evening News that he had already performed five operations when a patient was rushed into the hospital at around 6pm on January 3.

Surgeon falls asleep on operating table after performing six surgeries without taking a break
The patient’s right arm had been mangled in a meat mincer and nearly torn off from his body.
Luo said he decided to carry out emergency surgery for the patient despite the fact that he had already worked over time.  ‘Otherwise, the patient would lose his arm.’
Commenting on the picture, Luo said: ‘I wanted to shut my eyes and have a rest. I didn’t expect to fall asleep.’
Luo added that it was an honour to become a surgeon and the happiest thing for him was to see his patients recovering.
Surgeon falls asleep on operating table after performing six surgeries without taking a break