These are 11 Cool Places You Should Have S€X At This Christmas Including Your Friend's Place

Making love in a new location removes you from things in your home that stress you out and gets your adrenaline pumping, which helps you get even more a r o u s e d than usual. One thing to keep in mind: Getting it on in a new location is more about having a new thrilling experience than trying to achieve a mind-blowing org. The fact is, some women could struggle to reach the big O because they might not be focused or they are limited in the kinds of positions they can do.

Don’t let that stop you. Here are 11 places you should put on your bucket list this festive season.

1. Your Backyard
Getting busy in your backyard is a great way to get all the benefits of having getting it outdoors and away from home. Without having to worry that you'll get caught. Plus, you can always pitch a tent so that you don't have to it in the open.

2. On the Couch
Did you know that the living room staple could actually help you or&asm? Stacking up the cushions under your lower back makes it more likely that you'll reach an or&asm. Or you could lean over the side for an awesome twist on the usual D0Ggie style.

3. At a Hotel
"Hotel bang is amazing because there isn't any clean up. You can just check in and it can be all about busting,". Getting out of your comfort zone by doing some role-playing (you're now officially two hot strangers on vacation).

4. On the Stairs
Who knew you had this ideal b a n g i n g spot in your home all along? May I recommend the standing d 0 g style?  Bend over a few steps up from him so your parts are aligned and he can enter you without having to crouch. You can also have him recline on a step while you straddle him with your back to his chest. Use the step below for leverage so you can stay steady while thr.u.sting.

5. At a Friend's Place
One of the hottest places I have ever had s€x was at my friend’s apartment. Why? Because the walls were super thin and my girlfriend and I had to be "nearly silent." Being really, really quiet "made everything feel so much more urgent and hot.".

6. In the Shower
One safe place to get wet and wild is in the shower. Its pretty standard. 

7. At an Event
With a lot of events happening this December such as weddings, a sporting event, or a big barbeque, there's something about connecting during a public event that's super hot. During an outing that has enough people to let you sneak off unnoticed, find a bathroom or closet farthest away from the crowd, to lower your chances of getting caught. "After that 15 minutes together, you go back to the party with a secret that no one knows about except the two of you," says Morse. 

8. In Front of a Mirror
Consider this the easiest s€x tweak ever. D0Ggie style in front of a mirror is a huge turn on for her because she can see how into how her partner is getting into her.

9. In the Car
Cars are one of my favorite public places to have it. I can proudly recommends pulling off to the side of a not-so-busy road, push back the seats (or hop into the backseat) and steam up those windows.

Another option: Both of you can get in the driver's seat, slide it back, and straddle him while he grabs the steering wheel for extra leverage.

On the Beach
Beach s€x is just inherently romantic which can help women really get in the mood. "Women sometimes need the right atmosphere." That said, it's probably best to lay a towel down on the sand to prevent it from getting into tricky areas. And stick to getting busy on land, since salt water can really dry out the skin in your nether regions.

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