The following article is
classified as offensive humor/intentional provocation. Avoid reading it
if you are the type of person that catches feelings like homa.
Gentlemen not only prefer blondes but also lighter skinned women in
general. Fact is I am not a gentlemen, so I don’t really mind whether a
chic is light skinned or dark skinned. So long as she’s hot, I shall
bang and re-bang. But if you come to think of it, light skin babes are
actually a better option for a man than dark skin babes. Why is that so?
Allow me to propagate some light skin propaganda to help you
Light skin chics don’t eat a lot of food
Most light skin chics try too hard to prevent themselves from getting
fat so they don’t eat a lot. Sometimes they intentionally starve
themselves. Who are we to judge these tudems for torturing their
intestines? After all, this is beneficial to us men, Dating a light skin
chics helps you cut your losses on food-related matters. When you take a
dark skin chic out for a coffee date, she is most likely to order
another cup after finishing the first. A light skin chic won’t even
finish the first cup. With the economic situation at it’s worst, you do
your math.
Dark skin chics use too much makeup and lipstick
Chocolate hunnies try too hard to make themselves shine. For some,
you even have to use a jembe to dig through their layers of makeup if
you are really curious enough to want to see the real faces. It’s too
much. Dark skin chics are renowned for making outlandish alterations to
their appearances. If ‘Dark Skin Chics’ and ‘Makeup’ were in a
relationship on Facebook, it would undoubtedly be classified as
“engaged”. Can’t women just stay the way God created them? Of course
they can’t/ Especially not dark-skin chics.
Light skin chics are not that smart
Men like submissive women. Let’s not even kid ourselves here.
Unfortunately, feminism is killing submissiveness. The good news is that
It’s easy to make a less-smart woman submit to you than a smart one.
Dark skin chics are generally smarter than light skin chics and that
means they’ll give you more hell. A dark skin chic will discover when
you are cheating quicker than a light skin chic. A dark skin chic will
also quarrel with you more times since she can sniff bullshit easily.
A light skin chic on the other hand has no time for well-reasoned,
balanced arguments, coated with vitriol laden diatribes aimed at
relieving her emotional angst. So long as you give her a good bang after
an argument, all your crimes shall be forgotten and banished into the
holy land of amnesia.
Light skin chics are more experimental in bed
It’s been proven that light skin chics master the basic bedroom
maneuvers earlier in their lives than dark skin chics. That’s because
they don’t endure lengthy dry spells like their darker sisters. You can
find a 25 year old dark skin chic that has never sucked the ‘D’ and has
no clue how to do it, but you are unlikely to find a light skin chic
with the same handicap. Banging dark skinned chics is a tougher endeavor
that results in small scale entertainment. The
attempts they make to mimic porn stars are terrible. All the over the
top yelling and screaming and rehearsed lines from bad porn is both
hilarious and pathetic.
Having sex with a Light skin girl, however, makes you feel like you
are an italian lad called Antonio. The passion these chics exhibit is
real, raw, and authentic. They live to please you between the sheets and
have an insatiable desire to be dominated.
Light skin chics get approached many times
There’s a huge benefit that comes with dating a chic that gets hit on
by many guys. When a girl gets approached by so many guys, she will
reject most of them and only accept the best of them. So your light skin
chic won’t cheat on you with some douche who doesn’t even have anything
going in his life. She will cheat on you with an alpha from whom you
will learn a lesson. You’ll be content knowing that when she cheats, she
will cheat on you with a man who is better than you
Light kin chics have feminine tendencies
A woman is more feminine when she lets you chase her around, ignores
your texts sometimes and does other girly stuff like using a million
hashtags on her pictures. Dark skinned chics are not like that. They
chat with you like you are a business associate. They are too serious
skin chics, on the other hand, tend to carry their ladylike auras
everywhere because it is who they are. They exude intoxicating
girlishness. They love being sexy and take tremendous pride in their
Light skin chics are hotter
Not to cast shade on the chocolate hunnies but Yellow yellow chics
are the gold standard in beauty. There are stil a few hermits and
delusional freaks who think that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
No, not at all. Beauty is in the eyes of the man who spots a light skin
Media exposure
Light skinned women are represented in the mass media as icons of
beauty. Music video vixens, TV anchors and actresses are mostly brown.
Thus the premise is simple. Light skin women are put out there more
because they are more desirable.
Light skin chics are happy
Most light skin chis have fire cracker personalities. Since they have
been made to believe that the world revolves around them, light skin
chics tend to be generally happier than their darker counterparts. They
have less stress over petty issues. They believe that since they are hot
and getting chased around by men, everything is okay in life.
Light skin chics are fun
The brown skin of a female reflect ’happiness and brightness’ so
light skin chics brighten a room. And this brightness makes them seem
friendly, friendly and approachable…and less intimidating than
darkskins. Of course seducing them might be hard but in the long run,
they make you a better man.
If you
put in the work necessary and baptize yourself by fire by approaching,
failing, and interacting with them on the regular, you will quickly
discover that the benefits are well worth the effort. And even if you
decide they’re not your cup of tea, your dick will be appreciative of
your new and improved game.
If you are a feminist or dark skin chic, I know you are half tempted
to comment on this post and call me out for my ridiculousness. I know
you are itching to tell me how you are personally insulted. Ne sawa. Let
me hide now. But the bible says 'thou should not fall into temptation
easily'. See ya