Bow Wow's ex-fiancee Erica Mena gets breast implant reduction...(photos) 11:53:00 PM Bow Wow Raha Tupu The reality star shared a photo of herself after her doctor's appointment (left). She got her giant implant removed and replaced it with a smaller and much more natural looking one Drop Your Comment Here Related Posts FOR LADIES ONLY ..... SECRET OF HAVING A LONG HAIR....... CLICK HERE TO SEE Do you want long, gorgeous hair that people stop and admire? Many people dream of havOooh!! HOW BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IS...YES!SHE IS HOT Oooh!! HOW BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IS...YES ,SHE IS HOT Photos:Diamond’s Wife Goes Totally Insane After The Internet Called Her Daughter UGLY Can’t believe someone can actually hate on the innocent Princess Tiffah, she’s such aSoon After Losing 40 Kgs, Ray-C Now Locked In Battle with a Weight Loss Company Ray-c has experienced erratic weight changes in the last half decade. From extreme we