During sex, men love to give a girl an orgasm and more so, watching
her wreath in pleasure and the moaning just turns them on even more.
is nothing hotter for a man than seeing his woman climax, it makes him
feel like he is in control and it also assures him that she is satisfied
and that he’s the world’s best lover.
But as much as climaxing takes effort by both the man and the lady, at
times a man has to make that extra effort to ensure a woman has an
orgasm, because it’s harder for girls to climax.

For most of us, orgasm is kind of like the icing on the cake, but for
some the cake can still taste pretty sweet even without it – more like
sex can still be pleasurable without an orgasm.
But truth is, an orgasm is very important to a woman, it gives her a sense of pleasure during sex and more so satisfaction. So man, it’s good to know that you don’t have to get her to climax from intercourse only.
There is something called, Clitoral Stimulation, which is playing
around/licking her clitoris and getting her to that point where she will
want more.
A woman’s clitoris also wants some attention too and
you can even make it more interesting by talking about it, it will get
you both excited and turned on.
There you go dear men, stroke her clitoris once in a while if you want to give her extra pleasure.