“My Friends Tried Bewitching Me” Vanessa Chettle Sensationally Announces In a Disturbing Video

In the past witchcraft was used to gain wealth, ward off evil spirits, punish enemies, and in suppressing rebellions .
And despite how much we have developed as a country, witchcraft still has a place in modern times where it is alleged to help people win elections, kill their enemies or steal a lover. In fact if you walk around you might find posters of ‘Mama Zainabu’ or ‘Mganga Toka Tanzania’ who promise to ward off evil spirits, help ‘tie down’ your wayward lover or help you win a case.
And witchcraft is not only reserved for people in the villages, Vanessa Chettle recently confessed that some of her friends decided to visit a mganga to get her bewitched.

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