Pastor Caught Pouring Oil into a Woman's Va gina During Deliverance in a Church Says Its to Cleanse The Vagina

Church in Masinga, Machakos County, has been closed down after a pastor was caught red-handed pouring what he called anointing oil in a woman’s pri vate parts. Ekalakala Chief and other residents raided the church after members of the public complained that worshippers undress during prayers The Chief said that investigations revealed that only women are allowed to attend the Healing Ministries Church and the doors are open all the time. Every weekend, they hold keshas which are covered up as prayers but they are se x escapades.

The Pastor, Joseph Wambua, only prays for nude women in his chamber which is secluded and only one woman at a time is allowed in there. During the raid, lessos and women inner wears were found scattered all over the room which he could not account for. The church has been closed down because it operates illegally and the pastor arrested.

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