Once regarded as the best female musical talent in Tanzania, Rehema
Chalamila a.k.a Ray C has really gone full circle. From a much sought
after songstress to a drug addict who later successfully recovered from
her drug addiction. She then decided to give back to the society that
helped her out by educating the masses and being the voice of reason to
the youth lest they fall into the same trap.
That aside Ray C’s dating life has been a subject of interest to many
especially due to the mystery around it. Well clearing all the mystery
Ray C during an interview with East Africa Television’s ENewz programme,
she revealed that she would rather date a ‘mkokoteni’ man rather than a
And why the bitter feelings towards celebrities? According to Ray C she
has chosen to remain single after her bitter break up with musician,
Issack ‘Lord Eyes’ Waziri, who broke her heart causing her to find
solace in drugs.
“Currently, I don’t have a boyfriend; I just have friends. Lord Eyes hurt me deeply. I loved him so much and that is why I did all he asked of me. I did not foresee being in the situation I currently am in. I wanted to please him; I wanted to make him feel we were together in everything,”
she said.
Making her vow against dating celebrity men, she said;
“…for now, celebrities and I won’t cook in the same pot. I would rather date a mkokoteni man who loves me dearly. When I love, I do so wholeheartedly – that explains why most of my compositions are love songs,”