Is Wema Sepetu Re-Branding her image?

I have noticed lot's of changes on Wema's image since the Diamond's relationship issues...I don't know..maybe am poking my nose where it doesn't belong...BUT look at this and tell me otherwise
 Am sure you can tell the difference. Well,the aim of this post is not to dwell on Wema's past BUT the transformition that i have been noticing. Lately,Wema has been dressing very properly and am even shocked to admit this,BUT she looks more mature and Lady-like!

When i took this picture at The Mboni Show..i really had to salute Wema. This Serena waiter was sooo drunk, and he stalked Wema all night,until i took the picture of him and this beauty..BUT Wema was all cool about the situation :)
So,is this former Miss Tanzania re-branding her image? Is she about to shock all rumor-lovers and stay away from Udaku front pages?...I see it happening,do you?

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