Love and Relationship:Why Many Men Prefer Women with Big hips?

For those who know a lot let's tell us; the reason why men strong desire women with big hips? But I've noticed something extra that is available to a woman with big hips in more matches to fail to understand the problems.

for my part I succeeded dating women of all types; with normal hips and that they have great, but I have not noticed any difference or something extra that magnificent woman with big hips.

The main difference I have seen for women with big hips are styles They close only in the match, many do not know whether to laugh dating who have these flat screen adequately chew !!

I say that because there has been a custom for a woman with big hips as he walked there a large group of men should turn and starting discussing woman that blessed by Allah.

Please my fellow men I want to know it related to this issue; that what the surplus that he has a big hips in game issues.

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