Ugandan Gossip : Anita Fabiola’s Camel Toe Pops Right Out of Her Lustful Thighs - Photos

Nobody has sharper or sober minds than the Howwe Bees and Howwe Lifers readership! The combo is quite deadly.

We were so excited of Fabiola’s big wrapped bearded meat; we completely overlooked it to a succulent camel toe. Thanks Anita for cameltoe -licious exhibition.

Well, Anita Fabiola is doing everything big these days. Big booty, big audiences, big scandals, and yesterday in Paradise Island, big camel toe.

Hello there! Here's my cookie sizeHello there! Here's my cookie size

You know we've always got my eyes peeled for the eye of the camel as it is, but when you're wearing super tight bright orange swim suit and your fully loaded buttside is stretching them super tight around your front side, well, the camel toe red alert sirens just go off by themselves.

cameltoe -licious exhibition.cameltoe -licious exhibition.

Say what you want about Anita, but I admire a woman who loves to put on a good show and bring smiles to complete strangers on such a day the Mbabazi’s petition verdict was dismissed. What have you done to make a million people happy today? You see how I turned that on you. Anita for Camel Toe President. Enjoy.

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