Photos:Justin Bieber gets a tattoo on his face and his fans are NOT happy

Justin Bieber has angered his diehard fans after he decided to get a face tattoo.
The Sorry singer was pictured over the weekend with a small black cross inked just underneath his left eye.
While his followers were uncertain whether the mark was genuine, world-renowned tattoo artist JonBoy confirmed it wasn't fake when he shared a snap of himself with Justin on Instagram.
As they posed for the selfie, Justin turned his head away from the camera to show off the slightly swollen red mark around his eye where his new tattoo was
Jonboy captioned the snap: "F A I T H #hillsongnyc #justinbieber #jonboytattoo ".
It didn't take long for many of the Justin's fans to rush to social media to slam the star for yet another in a long succession of bizarre style choices as of late
Although the controversial singer has previously spoken about getting a face tattoo, he claimed at the time that he wouldn't take the plunge until he was middle aged.
He told GQ: "Maybe when I’m really old, not super old, but maybe, like, 40s or 50s or something. One above my eyebrow or something small."
"I think if they’re done right, they could be cool, but nothing super crazy all over the face."
t's been hard for fans to keep up with Justin's style lately.
After he divided the world when he unveiled his dreadlocks, he went under another image overhaul last month when he decided to shave all his hair off following the backlash.
Meanwhile, the star came under fire on social media last week after a video of him tossing aside a national flag appeared online .

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