Proud dad live streams wife giving birth on Facebook

Facebook famously has a no nudity policy so strict that breast feeding photos have been removed – but that didn’t stop one proud dad live streaming his wife’s labour on Facebook.
Fakamalo Kihe Eiki posted the 45 minute video this afternoon with the caption ‘Let’s try pushing baby out’.
We’re hoping he got permission beforehand, or there could be some seriously awkward conversations later.
The intensely personal moment, punctuated by bleeps from the monitor, is narrated by dad who comments as the baby finally arrives, ‘He’s hairy, he’s got so much hair!’
‘Oh my goodness, you got him – he’s coming out. Hi baby! Come out baby, there you go, I see your face…
‘Yes! Baby’s out! Yes! Yay! Thank you Lord, oh thank you Jesus. You cry, baby, aaahhh.’
Then he adds, to make sure his wife is thrilled when she watches the viral video later, ‘He screams like his mom’.Watch Video

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