Nigerian actress Juliet Ibrahim wows for the 2016 AMAA 8:01:00 AM Juliet Ibrahim Nollywood Photos The lovely actress was styled by Jeremiah Ogbodo. She wore the stunning dresses to the Africa Movie Academy Awards AMAA which is presently holding in Port Harcourt, Rivers state. Drop Your Comment Here Related Posts This is when Nigerian Artists do the Best in Showing their Arts A few weeks ago,pics from the set of this Nollywood movie hit the internet..They just Rihanna dazzles in s.exy new photos Rihanna showed off her incredible legs as she modeled her new collection with&nJay Z spotted for the first time since the birth of his twin babies [Photos] Jay Z was spotted for the first time on Monday, June 19, since his wife Beyoncé Nigerian Actress Caroline Danjuma steps out in sexy backless dress The actress and mother of three put her bootylicious figure on display as she stepped