Bo*tylicious Brazilian Student Bursts Her Bubble by Sharing Steamy Bedroom Photos with Usain Bolt

In the past, Usian Bolt has kept his relationship with one Kasi Bennet under wraps to avoid the prying eyes of the paparazzi and gossip blogs.
But as he headed to Rio, it was time to let the world know and so he introduced his girlfriend who is very hot.
And also very supportive of his career.
But as luck would have it a Brazilian student named Jady Duarte leaked photos of her frolicking in bed with the athlete.
When Jady was asked about the pictures by a friend on Instagram , she denied knowing who the man was.
"Sorry Babe, I did not know it was him...I read the material,I gave the papers."she wrote.
But the friend was not convinced and told her "Lol. STOP KIDDING ME YOU DIDN'T KNOW.If you didn't know him , you wouldn't send those pics to your friends telling them its BOLT.Go out there and fix this, HE DESERVES RESPECT OR JUST GET LOST.
As i said before I have NO RESPECT FOR GIRLS/WOMEN like you who do this to anyone regardless of who they are.You got your 5 minutes of fame,but you will be forgotten even faster. NOT COOL at all. Shame on You.
Check out the exchange below:

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