Usain Bolt and his girlfriend will not split up after photos of the Olympic hero with another woman surfaced, his sister has revealed.
Bolt's big sister, Christine Bolt-Hylton, 32, has said that Usain Bolt and his girlfriend Kasi Bennett, 26, are a solid couple and will stay together because they are so in love.
Brazilian student Jady Duarte, 20, shared pictures which appear to show her kissing and cuddling Bolt after his 30th birthday bash in Rio.And further photos of Usain kissing and dancing with a third girl also came to light yesterday morning.
Bolt's big sister, Christine Bolt-Hylton, 32, has said that Usain Bolt and his girlfriend Kasi Bennett, 26, are a solid couple and will stay together because they are so in love.
Brazilian student Jady Duarte, 20, shared pictures which appear to show her kissing and cuddling Bolt after his 30th birthday bash in Rio.And further photos of Usain kissing and dancing with a third girl also came to light yesterday morning.
Speaking from her hometown of St Andrews near Kingston, Jamaica, Christine said:
'I'm sure Kasi will be used to it by now. She is used to seeing pictures like this.'People ask for pictures with him and he is always willing to have pictures. She is used to him being in the public domain.''I don't think anything happened between him and the Brazilian girl,' she added of the snaps with Jady. He loves Kasi too much to jeopardise the relationship.'I'm looking at the pictures and it doesn't look like he was doing anything with her.'
Asked if Kasi will be upset, Christine, who is Usain's half-sister, continued:

The pictures are of a young girl. I know she will be upset. But she will talk to him and I know they can work their difficulties out.'Usain doesn't believe in cheating. Normally when we speak he sees he is against stuff like that. He has never done this before as far as I know.
'When he was much younger he was popular with the girls but from when they have been together he hasn't done anything like that. If they were together as she is saying they were, I think she had planned for her to take the photographs and expose him for 'cheating'.'
'When he was much younger he was popular with the girls but from when they have been together he hasn't done anything like that. If they were together as she is saying they were, I think she had planned for her to take the photographs and expose him for 'cheating'.'

Asked if her little brother should apologise, Christine said:
'Kasi was definitely OK with the party pictures. The pictures with the girl he should definitely apologise for.He would never cheat. He was brought up by his parents never to do such things.
'He was brought up in a Christian home and his mother doesn't support that lifestyle. So I don't think he would ever cheat.'I think Kasi will talk to him and they will make a decision about what to do together.'Speaking from personal experience and being close to him, he is definitely objected to cheating.'I do think that Kasi and Usain will work on past whatever it was and move on with their lives.'He has got to be careful because of his actions.'