Avril Reveals What Led To Her Break Up With Her South African Fiancé and What She Looks For In a Man

Effortlessly beautiful and with a charming personality Avril has become one of Kenya’s sweethearts with hordes of admires.
But when she was whisked away by Leslie Mugadza, many hearts broke but hope was re-ignited again once Avril revealed that she was single.
She has not delved into her break up, but she opened up about the whole situation in this month’s edition of True Love Magazine,
“I was engaged but that ended. We were together for four year and when my dad died we grew apart. I felt some disconnect. In needed some time apart. Sort of a break. The break never ended I enjoyed it so much.” She said before revealing what kind of a relationship she is looking for.
“Right now I just want an exiting relationship. I want adventure. That what I need right now, nothing heavy and emotional.” she disclosed.
For more of Avril’s story, make sure you grab this month’s edition of True Love Magazine.

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