Watch: President Zuma falls asleep during Finance Minister’s mid-term budget speech 1:31:00 AM Jacob Zuma Videos Parliament's cameras caught South African President Jacob Zuma sleeping an hour and 14 minutes into Finance Minister Pravin Gorhan's mid-term budget speech on Wednesday, October 26th. Watch the full video... Drop Your Comment Here Related Posts It’s a MIRACLE! The Saudi King Gives SPECIAL Gift to President Trump President Trump was received like visiting royalty here Saturday, as his debut on thTrevor Noah calls out Ivanka Trump says she is a Liar [Video] Trevor Noah, host of the “Daily Show” called out Ivanka Trump for going back on her wLion bites keeper’s throat and drags him across ring in front of terrified children A 30-year-old man was viciously attacked by a lion during a performance in front ofHeavily pregnant Serena Williams still playing tennis [Video] No doubt, Serena Williams is a strong woman but is it safe for her to still be playin