Lady JayDee shares a sweet video styling her new mans dreadlocks

Judith Wambura Mbibo alias Lady Jaydee left many women filed with envy when she introduced her new man to the world. Truth be told, she really has taste for men. Earlier this year, the singer underwent a nasty divorce from her husband of nine years, Gardner Habash, who is a Tanzanian radio personality. However, she has moved on and found new love and is really enjoying time with her new boo.
JayDee likes to keep her private affairs of the media so there is not much information about her new relationship. Pictures of JayDee and her new bae alighting from Coast Air hit the internet a few days ago with speculations that the couple had secretly gotten married and was on a honeymoon trip. Days after the news went viral, the singer has just proven that she is indeed wife material.

She took to her instagram to share a video which shows her styling her man. Watch it below;

Endapo ungependelea ku repair dreadlocks zako, wasiliana nami.
Ninatoa huduma hiyo kwa bei nafuu 
Na nitakufuata popote ulipo 
Kwa maelezo zaidi wasiliana na mkuu wa itifaki @wancy_international 
Nyote mnakaribishwa 🙈🙈🙈🙈

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