Whoopi Goldberg Runs Big Ugly Mouth At Trumps Kids… Watch Happens Immediately After [VIDEO]

With Donald Trump as our nation’s President-elect, liberal television personality Whoopi Goldberg has been complaining every chance she gets. Unfortunately for the American people, it is every single day on her ABC talk show The View. On Thursday’s segment, Whoopi went after Trump’s children after reports confirmed Ivanka Trump will be moving into the first lady’s office in the White House.
During the segment, Whoopi complained about how “unfair” it is that Ivanka is involved in her father’s transition team—even though it is completely normal for the president-elect’s family to help.
This comes just one day after the insane host outraged millions of Americans by comparing the right to observe Christmas with a woman’s right to have an abortion.
“What I do with my body is my right. It is not your right to tell me,” Whoopi claimed. “The same thing is it’s—if you believe in Christmas, it’s not my right—you know, I grew up and—and, you know, kids who didn’t go to Catholic school had Christmas and they—we never knew what their religions were, but we hung ‘cause it was Christmas holiday.”

What do you think? Is it time for Whoopi to be taken off the air?

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