A controversial South African prophet known as “Prophet Theo Bongani Maseko” of the “Breath of Christ Ministries”, made his church members drink engine oil. The photos were posted on the 16th of Jaunary with caption
The fullness of Christ is in this bottle. Healing and strange deliverance #Mark16:17 -18.
He defended his actions in an interview with The Star on Monday, saying he did it
“to demonstrate the power of God”.When we pray over anything, its poison dies. So it can’t harm people. Nothinghappened, no one has been to hospital,” he said.
The fullness of Christ is in this bottle. Healing and strange deliverance #Mark16:17 -18.
He defended his actions in an interview with The Star on Monday, saying he did it
“to demonstrate the power of God”.When we pray over anything, its poison dies. So it can’t harm people. Nothinghappened, no one has been to hospital,” he said.