Beyonce’s pregnancy photo is Instagram’s most-liked photo ever 1:57:00 PM Beyonce Photos With 6 .8 million likes and counting, Beyonce's photo is now the most liked Instagram photo and the fastest to get to that position . She beats Selena Gomez's photo posted last year which has 6.305 likes . Drop Your Comment Here Related Posts Beyonce shows off her flexibility as she models her Ivy Park collection The 35-year-old singer took to Instagram to share images of her latest athletic gear wMelania Trump rocks chic blue dress and Louboutin heels as the First Couple welcome the president of Panama to the White House Her husband may not be everyone's darling but Melania Trump's fashion is yet to be caPregnant Beyonce goes shopping with Blue Ivy [Photos] Beyonce, 35, as she was seen looking tired while furniture shopping in Los Angeles onChristina Milian Is Gorgeous In Plunging Floral Dress [Photos] Christian Milian, is a gorgeous woman and yes she wants the world to know this.The 35