Shaquille O’Neal to pay for funeral of teen who accidentally shot himself on Instagram Live video

Shaquille O'Neal will cover the funeral expenses for Malachi Hemphill, the Georgia teenager who accidentally shot and killed himself during a livestream video on Instagram.
Malachi's godmother, Shantirea Bankston, told NBC 11 the former NBA athlete came by Malachi's family home in Atlanta Thursday night and offered to pay for the services.

"We just broke down and started crying because Malachi didn't have any insurance," Bankston said. "We weren't prepared to bury him this young. We didn't have insurance for him. So to have that from Shaquille O'Neal it was a blessing and very touching, and we appreciate everything he do for the community."

In a statement to the outlet, O'Neal said he wanted to help the family as they deal with Malachi's tragic death.
"No mother should have to go through this," he said. "I can only imagine the pain that she and all of Malachi's family must be feeling."
Malachi Hemphill accidentally shot and killed himself while using Instagram Live at his home in Georgia.WXIA reported that his friends watching the video had warned Malachi to put the safety on the gun, and it went off as he proceeded to do so

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