Read the devastating note left by 10-year-old girl who "killed herself to make her mother happy"

Read the devastating note left by 10-year-old girl who "killed herself to make her mother happy"
A 10-year-old girl killed herself and left a devastating suicide note where she explained that she was taking her own life to make her mum ‘the happiest woman in the world.’
The emergency services received a call claiming a girl had hanged herself at 10.18pm on January 6. She was found on the Three Kings Day, or ‘el Dia de Reyes’, a popular festival in Mexico where families give each other presents.
In the note found beside the girl, she claimed that she was a ‘pain’ and ‘ruin’ in her mother’s life, and her death would be a ‘great present’ for her. It also suggested she had killed herself because she was the reason her father had left home.
The heartbreaking letter reads:
Dear Three Kings, I only want to ask you my mum will be the happiest woman in the world after I will not be here any more as I am only a pain and a ruin in her life since I was born, as I was the reason my dad left our house.
I want to ask my mum to be calm, not to work a lot, the best present I can ask is her happiness. I hope some day you remember me and in the sky, finally, you hug me.
I think the best present for the Three Kings is if I kill myself. As you always said to me I wish you had never been born. I love you so much, mum, I know the Three Kings do not exist but I give you this great present.

Read the devastating note left by 10-year-old girl who "killed herself to make her mother happy"

Neighbours said the girl did not appear to be sad or have problems.
Authorities in Aguascalientes, Mexico, are investigating the death and confirmed the cause of death as strangulation by hanging. As the investigation is going on, local reports claim the police are looking to find the mother, whose location remains unknown.

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