6 Guys You Wish You Didn't Have S3x With

Let's face it: sometimes, our bedroom tales don't leave us with full hearts and happy souls. And that's OK — as long as we learn from our mistakes and decide to never, ever repeat them. Not even once! Here are six times you wished you didn't "give it up."

1. The Ex

This is such a doozy. On the passion level, it's off the charts! Breakup s3x is so intense and heart-wrenching. The orgasms are always memorable, but the feelings afterwards? They're worse than a college student's first hangover. Forget vomiting for days. Instead, regret, pain, and heartache follow in a convenient little package for you to dwell over.
Do not repeat this emotionally costly mistake.

2. The Loser

He's attractive but a jerk, and you didn't say "no." You should have said "no," but you didn't. Afterwards, he doesn't call or text, and you knew he wouldn't. The cross is yours to bear. You knew better but gave in anyway. Let it go — and never contact him again.

3. The Co-Worker

Ugh. You didn't, girl, did you? Oh, you did.
The co-worker is cute, and if circumstances were different, perhaps you wouldn't be waking up the next day with a side of regret. Unfortunately, you've got to see him again. Every. Single. Workday.
As the saying goes, "Don't crap where you eat."

4. The Drunken Stranger

You had just a wee bit too much to drink that night, and when you woke up in the middle of the night, you turned to see someone who looked rather different than you thought he did. Worse is you're now in his place and not fit to drive. Get ready for an incredibly awkward morning . . .

5. The Mean Boyfriend

You meet and he's so nice. At first. Until eventually, he has stripped you of your dignity and self-esteem. You regret sleeping with him because, frankly, he never deserved you in the first place, did he?

6. The Friend-Zone Guy

He's your BFF, but then one night, you two decide to get out of your skivvies together. It's not awful, but it's awkward afterwards even if he's a really nice guy. You don't have deep regret because he's a good human being, but you wished you hadn't crossed the line. It's hard to return back.

Not every act of s3x is going to be climactic or romantic, but growing as sexual people and humans means we will make mistakes or won't enjoy every experience. As long as we are safe and guard our hearts in the future, that's what matters the most.

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