Busty Arabian Socialite Threatens Popular Musician before Promising To Leak His Clotheless Photos

Earlier, today a girl by the name Intisar Bint Ali known in the showbiz circles simply as Alii took to social media to expose her ex who is a popular musician.

Intisar accused Ngalah from the Yunasi Band of impregnating her then making away with her laptops. In a message sent to Ghafla Alii wrote:

“I was seeing Ngalah and he never told me he was married then he asked me to appear in his video and he will pay me. So I find out he is married, he was playing me and now he doesn’t want to pay me and he has blocked me everywhere.Now that I’m pregnant, he has blocked me and he has refused with 2 of my Apple laptops I gave him to use.”
After this statement Alii went on to issue threats “The music video is not going to be released until he pays me 100k and return and I’m not going to do an abortion his wife has to know about this “she angrily hissed before threatening to leak their private photos .
Since there are two sides to every story we sought out Ngalah for his comments and this is what he said:
He then continues.”She comes back this year saying she is pregnant, and yet we broke up about a year ago so it does not make sense she is pregnant since we have not been intimate. I asked her we visit the gynecologist to confirm if she was indeed pregnant and she refused.”
“In addition, those laptops were mine and I took them back.” he said before adding “She is just soiling my name, she is a socialite so I guess it’s good for her CV.”
“And what about the said explicit photos she threatened to leak?” We asked
“We took those photos when we were in a relationship so it would be wrong to leak them.”He concluded.

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