Wema Sepetu and Idris Sultan:What's wrong with them?

Are you familiar with the old adage that goes when you are busy looking for honey know that she is busy getting some sugar? That is exactly what Wema Sepetu has been up to during the weekend as her lover Idris Sultan was busy chasing some paper.
Wema have a sit. Now what is your plan this time?I hope it is not what I am thinking about for sure. Among all people I do not expect you to have done what you did. No do not pretend like it is something normal.You have made out with an Alejandro(of which I find him cute) this weekend and the video has gone viral. Teren teren..you are very naughty this weekend. We still do not understand why you did so.But allow me to flashback a little.

Remember when I told you to try keep yourself out of trouble after you fooled us by having a kid.And then all over sudden you were all calm for a month.It was nice not seeing for a while but now you decide to break Idris heart.I pity you and your guts.
After all he has done for you this is how you play your part? He held your hand when you were facing criticism and you were at one of the worst moments in your life. Wema Wema tell me the truth,wasn’t it you who posted on his wall earlier this year during his birthday that he has shown you how to be a better self and he has changed,enlightened you to be perceive life at a positive perspective. How you loved him? Maybe this is a fairy tale that is buried far away since you have not kept your word.

As for my brother Idris Sultan.As fresh as you are,I know you have learnt a lesson.Love hurts eh?
Perhaps love is not an emotion you should be familiar as for now.Let the memories fade slowly knowing we got you.
You humbled yourself for the mistakes you guys once did and we forgave you.This lady of yours or whatever she is to you now that she has betrayed you with a kiss.And my dear Alejandro hope you enjoyed the few minutes of fame.As you wait to be added in her list just know I will be coming for you and you will not like it.You,my friend have drowned a spark that was turning to be so good. Do you have anything to save yourself?

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