Love and Relationship: How To Kiss A Woman

You can tell if you kissed a girl when by how she reacts when you back away from her lips. If her eyes are still shut like curtains at night, as if she’s in some hypnotic trance, then you are the don. You probably don’t even need to read this article. If she keeps wanting more and more kisses, you are the don too. If you don’t see either of the two reactions, you need some tutoring, so welcome brother
A kiss determines a lot of things, If you make use of woeful lip locking tactics, she probably won't pursue anything serious with you, let alone offer you the punani. So fellas, get your lips into gear and learn to bless her with munjus that'll have her begging you to come inside her. In order to experience a clash of lips that has enough power to sexually arouse a woman within milliseconds and to make her vagina wet as soon as you place your lips on hers, here Is what you should do.
Be dominant 
Don't ask for permission to kiss. You’ll look weak. You’ll look like a scared puppy Just move in like Japanese war planes into Pearl Harbor. The ideal kiss window should open effortlessly if your game is tight. Chicks who are being seduced properly *want* to be kissed. Always check for dilating pupils, hair twisting, leg opening, lip licking, excessive excitement, heel dangling, head cocking, bar stool swiveling, drink swilling, incidental thigh touching, and her asking you a lot of questions.
Kissing a chick is like enjoying a good meal. Before you begin to swallow everything like a starving wolf, you should enjoy the first bites to fully experience the taste. The same applies to the beautiful taste of a woman’s lips,
Go at it slow, make use of saliva and keep your eye lids together. Do it sparingly, and always be the one to break off the kissing. Try to minimize tongue action, even if she initiates tongue probing. Keep your kisses gentle and short; don’t engulf her mouth like a horny leech. Stop after a few seconds to pull back, smile at her, then look down then back up at her face. After both of you are comfortable with the taste of each other’s lips, you can transition into eating her alive and strangling her with your tongue.
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Do not kiss her out of nowhere (lay the groundwork first)
The biggest mistake most guy make is trying to force a nonexistent rapport by kissing a girl out of nowhere on the first date. Many men will try to light a fuse in their dates by moving in for the kiss without laying any foundation, incorrectly thinking that their shared intellectual conversation was proof enough that she was ready for kissing. They are then flummoxed when she delivers the cheek turn and goes “whoa, not so fast” , or, worse, the “what do you think you’re doing?” lawyerspeak shut-down.
Kissing is an emergent property of successfully executed game; it is not a standalone game maneuver that you can run in any context. If you haven’t escalated physical touching with a girl during a date, don’t think that a kiss after three hours of arms-crossed talk about the weather will advance the seduction.
A very simple way to know if a chick is ready for you to kiss her is to lean into her ear as if you were going to tell her a secret, and if she doesn’t move her head backward and she lets your cheek rest flush against her cheek, you can pull back and safely go for it.
What do you do with your hands while kissing?
What’s the use of your hands? There’s plenty to be done. Kissing is only but a single instrument in the symphony of sensual connection. Your hands should be a beautiful accompaniment too— and I don’t mean groping her with uncontrollable thirst. Make touching a part of the music, not the whole song.
If she’s the type who likes to be ‘handled with caution’, cup her pretty face with your fingers and initiate gentle suction on her lips and her tongue. Holding her head and embedding it in your hands drives her into a feeling of security and comfort. Then later on you can move your fingers down her sides — drawing an outline on her breasts, tummy, waist and hips
If she is the more aggressive type,, shove her against the wall, grab one thigh, lift it up and plant deep kisses on her lips .Do something unexpected such as embracing her hips and pulling her towards you.
Send the tongue back in
After you invade her mouth with your tongue, use it to lick the inner part of her lips. Curve your tongue and feel them. Do not insert the whole of your tongue in her mouth. Just give her sections of it so that she keeps wanting more..
Wipe up her neck
Even though every woman has a special highly erotic erogenous zone, there’s one that works for virtually every woman – the neck. In case you are still not aware what her other sensitive zone is, the neck can be a great substitute anytime. When you are finished with her pouty lips, focus on her neck. Alternate between nibbles and gentle licks. Tilt her head a little so that you get a clear field of flesh
Have your lips brush against the back of her neck (chills) or slowly trail along her collarbone before working your way all up again
March your tongue to her ear
After the neck, slither your tongue up to her ear. Just make sure to not salivate all over her ear. She won’t enjoy being slobbered on
Maintain your kisses on her lobe and suck on it (it's annoyingly loud when you go for the actual ear). This is the most convenient moment for you to what you’ll do to her whe she opens her legs for you
If she’s not weak for you at this moment, come look for me and ask me to refund you your time for reading this article.

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