We are all very much in L0ve but we do not have $ex: Meet the couples who have given up on $ex

The Sun UK carried out a recent survey of 2016 newly weds, and while most argue that $ex is very important for their married life, there are some that haven't had $ex in a while and have shared reasons why. Read the stories of some of these couples...

MEDIA student Leticia Hosang and cameraman Jack Smith, both 20, live in Ealing, West London and have been together for two years. The couple haven’t had $ex for the past six months.

LETICIA SAYS: Work is creating such a barrier in our relationship, which is why we haven’t had $ex for so long and I’m worried it will become a year.

We still love each other and have a strong relationship but our working patterns mean we don’t even have time to cuddle, never mind have $ex.

I go to bed on my own every night, as Jack is working on night shoots, and he regularly works 14 or 15-hour days.

Our only day off together is Sunday and frankly we are too tired to do anything but watch TV or maybe go for a walk.

It’s frustrating because we still fancy each other. When we first got together we used to make love twice a day.

I feel less attractive as a woman now, and when we are together we argue about the littlest things.

I hope the situation changes soon because we can’t live as a couple like this for much longer.

JACK SAYS: “I find Leticia very attractive and she knows that – but we are just not physically together enough to have $ex.

“We are both working such long hours that when I go to bed the only thing on my mind is getting enough sleep so I have the energy for the next day.

“It is very depressing and we are both feeling the pressure.

“$ex definitely binds a relationship. I know ours will be stronger once we get our love life back on track.”

WEB entrepreneur Michelle Inch, 28, of Barry, South Wales, has not had $ex with husband Sean Wilkin, 32, a painter and decorator, for nearly 18 months. They have been together for 12 years and have children Brooke, eight, Lili-Mae, 18 months, and Finley, six months.

MICHELLE SAYS: We haven’t had $ex since before Finley was born. Throughout my pregnancy I had a condition called symphysis pubis dysfunction, or SPD, which is pelvic girdle pain, and it hurt so much that I couldn’t walk, let alone have $ex.

Also, our two-bedroom house is so small and the baby sleeps in a Moses basket in our super-kingsize bed between us.

On top of all this, we both run our own businesses and work such long hours.

The longer you don’t have $ex, the harder it is to get the buzz back, and there is no doubt it is harming our relationship. We are now having counselling.

It feels less like a relationship, more a business arrangement to look after the kids. I feel the fun has gone out of our relationship.

It’s all work and childcare and I want my life back.

There’s always an excuse for why we can’t have sex and we have to do something about it or we will live to regret it. Often, you take $ex for granted in a relationship but when it isn’t there, problems follow.

Source: Sun UK

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