What will you do? 9:21:00 AM Love and Relationship A Facebook user, Song Charger, asked this question in a FB group. They say 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder'. What do you think? More photos Drop Your Comment Here Related Posts Chinese man is publicly turned down by his love interest after staging elaborate proposal A mam in China staged a public proposal for his best friend, Mumu, using a great numbe28yr old Indonesian man and his 82yr old wife have the most unusual hookup story Sofian Loho Dandel, a 28yr old mechanic from Indonesia found love over a phone call. WThe Mistakes People Make in Marriage Many people do wrong yet they are not aware. Take time to reflect. What kind of a spouZimbabwean woman caught after sneaking into prison to have $ex with inmate Memory Togarepi succeeded in sneaking into a prison farm in Chiredzi, Zimbabwe, to vis