Roofer who went missing found alive after six years

Matthew Green, 32, left his home in Kent in May 2010 saying he was on his way to meet friends in London – but he didn’t come back.
His parents didn’t know if he was alive or dead but now Jim, 64, and Pauline, 63, have spoken of their relief to know their son is okay.
However, they still aren’t able to reunite with him as he has been found in Spain, and data protection laws say it is his choice if he wants them to know where he is.
It has emerged Matthew was spoken to by Spanish authorities who were concerned about his welfare.
He gave the authorities a number of names, including his real one, which came up on a missing person’s database.
Dad Jim described it as a heart-stopping moment when they were told the news.
He said: ‘When we got the knock on the door and she said it’s about Matthew but it’s nothing to worry about, my heart nearly stopped.
‘We didn’t know what to say or do.’
The family hope to hire a private investigator who can help them get in touch with their long lost son.
Jim said: ‘I know he’s a grown man, but put yourselves in our place.

‘After all this time it would be such a relief (to see him) for all of us, all the family and friends that we know have been concerned.
‘Bless his little cotton socks, I’d give him a hug and a cuddle.’
The main question on the dad’s mind, he said: ‘would then be why? How have you survived for the last six years? Where have you been? We do not want to scare him off.
‘They’re questions we have asked time and time again.’

Spanish social services took a DNA test and found that it matched Matthew’s. ‘[Authorities] got in touch with Interpol and they’ve done a finger print match and they’re 99.9 per cent sure it’s Matthew. Everything has snowballed from there,’ Pauline said. She has written to her son via the embassy but the data protection laws prohibit even telling the family if he has received them. The couple considered getting straight on a plane but decided to hold off as he could be anywhere. She said: “I did write him a letter with telephone numbers on and I’ve asked several times if the letter has reached him but due to data protection they cannot say. ‘We know he’s in Spain, but no not know where because they won’t tell us. We don’t know what happens next.’

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