After President Magufuli Visit:People Order to Use Chair and table President Magufuli Used

The restaurant was using President John Magufuli get lunch with his people at Mwanza Airport, has become an attraction for many customers wanting to buy food and sit on the chair and table was used to guide him.

The restaurant Manager of Victoria, Elizabeth Song (pictured) said yesterday that the situation arose after the President left the room.
"Even today we have received many customers compare to the other day, some of them calling for the provision of food wanting to occupy the chair and the table he used President Magufuli," said Elizabeth.

Commenting on the situation yesterday before and during the visit the manager said: "It was panic and fear mixed with joy to see the President coming to our restaurant tea-colored lakes Sh200 and Sh300.

"Shock turned our joy after realizing that the order of 28 plates loaded (takeaway), we ordered early morning without defined knowing were the President's message go," he said, adding:

"Before President Magufuli has entered into our restaurant, a man came to us yemfahamu and ordering 28 plates of food at a cost of Sh5,000 each,"

He said after informing his client that the food is ready, he was instructed to prepare a table and chairs for visitors because its (the client), have now decided to eat stagnant restaurant.

"Suddenly we saw the President enters into our Restaurant; First we caught panic, fear and grief do not know why and who gave the orders for providing instructs the food he ordered, "said the manager; "Then we identify whom the food was the visit of the President."

With normal tea and milk, it also Restaurant has variety of foods sold at prices between Sh1,500 to Sh5,000 for foods loaded while fetching soda to Sh500 per bottle

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