Kanye West recently met up with Donald Trump and took to twitter to reveal he met with him in order to discuss issue 'multicultural issue' In an interview with French Outlet, Clique, John Legend has described the meeting as a publicity stating that he was disappointed in Kanye.
"I don't think it's impossible to talk to [Donald Trump] about issues, but I won't be used as a publicity stunt. I think Kanye was a publicity stunt," he said. He went on to express frustration and disappointment in the rapper he's frequently collaborated with over the years.
"I'm pretty disappointed with Kanye that he says he would have voted for Trump. I think Trump has been corrosive, his message has been corrosive to the country. I think the things he's promised to do have been very concerning for a lot of people, and for Kanye to support that message is very disappointing," he said.
When the interviewer asked if Kanye perhaps had something else in mind by meeting with Trump, Legend continued to be dismissive.
"Whatever's in his mind, I disagree with him," he said.
"I'm pretty disappointed with Kanye that he says he would have voted for Trump. I think Trump has been corrosive, his message has been corrosive to the country. I think the things he's promised to do have been very concerning for a lot of people, and for Kanye to support that message is very disappointing," he said.
When the interviewer asked if Kanye perhaps had something else in mind by meeting with Trump, Legend continued to be dismissive.
"Whatever's in his mind, I disagree with him," he said.